

What does "General Dentistry" mean? To us at Optima Dental Care, it is what we do and what we do extremely well. Broadly, general dentistry is all aspects of dentistry. This includes preventative care, such as your routine examinations and professional cleanings, to the repair of broken down teeth and the removal of teeth that cannot be saved.

Our team is highly skilled in the latest techniques and materials to achieve an ideal result for you


Take your smile to the next level


As the saying goes…."prevention is better than cure" and generally this is more cost effective in the long term. Regular 6 monthly visits is the best way to care for your teeth. Early intervention and treatment can significantly reduce the chance of small concerns snowballing into the complex and costly to fix.  At this appointment, your dentist will perform a thorough examination of all your teeth where they will look for plaque and calculus (tartar) build up. They will check your gums are healthy and look for any signs of tooth decay or existing restorations (fillings) that may be breaking down or wearing away.


Imagine taking your car for a service and telling the mechanic not to look under the bonnet? X-rays enable your dentist to see what is going on inside and between your teeth, what's happening under existing fillings, and what the roots of your teeth look like. With an x-ray, your dentist will also be able to see if you have healthy gums. Small bite-wing x-rays (small x-rays taken inside your mouth) are recommended every 18 months to 2 years for most people, but this may be required more regularly in people at high risk of tooth decay.

3D Cone Beam Imaging

We have the luxury of having a 3D Cone Beam Imaging Machine on the premises. This piece of technology is used to scan your head and neck, in three dimensional images, so that your dentist can observe your airway, sinuses, jaw joints and wisdom teeth. It can even pick up infections of growths on the roots of your teeth in minute detail.

Once your dentist has completed your examination and cleaning, any issues identified will be explained and discussed, treatment recommended and any queries you have clearly explained